Second Life
Now this game/simulation/chat..whatever you may call it, had been in my
mind for quite around a year or so. But I wasn't able to explore it due to certain technical pc being a half defunct ol' plastic box that would hardly run anything! A few days back I was reminded of it while browsing the web n the fact that I was free..idle would be more like it :P ..I decided to give it a shot.
Second Life, the
virtual 3D environment simulator turned out to be a pleasant surprise! i was expecting a slow, server based chat software kinda thing. But no..its more than that. I think the best part is that you get to move about freely.. there's no X or Y axis. The SL universe is vast..from beaches (they have nude beaches to Grand Ballrooms of the medieval have anything and everything. I've even been to an amusement park of sorts..and a medieval castle too..ah..for that matter even a dance bar!
But what makes this universe a bit unnerving is the interactivity thing. There are some visually stunning places here but they're low on interactivity..not too many people visit 'em. And if you don't have people around to talk to, it can get super boring :( I think its a cool hangout for geeky nerds :P and internet junkies like me! ;)
Now this game/simulation/chat..whatever you may call it, had been in my

Second Life, the

But what makes this universe a bit unnerving is the interactivity thing. There are some visually stunning places here but they're low on interactivity..not too many people visit 'em. And if you don't have people around to talk to, it can get super boring :( I think its a cool hangout for geeky nerds :P and internet junkies like me! ;)
Hey Shreya..
I have wanted to take a look at SL since sometime now.
Since you liked it, I might try it out sometime soon.
I hate myself for telling you this, but I guess you'll forgive me knowing Virgos are nitpicky bastards.
A 3D space has X, Y and Z axis.
Tibbo!..I know that :P ..but in layman's language its related to freedom of movement ..prolly I should've referred to it as a game not restricting the user to linear movement alone :D
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