A Branch of the Fantasy Tree

I want to go to the outer space.
Where time will move at a snail's pace.
Drifting in air, afloat with happiness,
Down into the black hole will disappear my sadness.
Through the looking-glass I shall peek,
Into the darkness, unknown to me what I seek.
Futile, it may be to the discerning eye,
And unimportant to the eavesdropper, on the sly.
When gloom and darkness shroud the mind,
such are the pursuits I whine to find.
On restrospect, it may be a meaningless trip for me.
Uncaring, I am, for it was a branch of the Fantasy Tree.
I suspect that for composing this poem, you Shreya swam in emotions without drowning in them, hence feeling refreshed after an emotional workout.
Well according to me, Darkness & Brightness are not related to Triumph & sorrow, they lie in the eyes of the beholder, just like beauty does.
Its only a matter of perception. You know the saying, an optimist will call it a Glass Half Full & The Pessimist will call it a Glass half empty.
Coming to the poem I'll not compose any lines of my own as I'm a sucker when it comes to rhyming, which you know.
I really appreciate your ability to sense, imagine, discriminate & communicate ideas.
Over the years, I’ve learned that dealing with fears and insecurities that lead to a dark & gloomy life, do not require old head programs, they must be loved and released in a healthy way, b‘coz what I learned is repressing them just gives them power, and as a result pattern is made and it never gets resolved.
Kudos to you for an awesome Poem, But I still liked lost Soul more (as it made me compose a poem of my own).
As we all live in a Hallucinated world of illusions, I guess most of us are always jumping on the branches of our fantasy trees. Only Apocalypse can make us Forfeit those branches. (Oh damn!, now I'm being preachy)
Again I've written too much, seem I'm not a man of few words.
Shawn from Orkut
Good One !
thanks Vijay and Shawn! :D
Good for people to know.
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