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For the uninitiated, I've been passing through the most difficult of times for the past few months. And so an upsurge has been witnessed by my dearest of dear friends and enemies off late. Not that I bother, but yes I do bother about my friends. Enemies:: HA HA. They'd be better off dead than standin'! So basically this post is just to get rid of the angst within. I think one of these days, I'm going to be referred to an anger management class somehwere. But then, a person reacts to the stimuli he is exposed to. You give me crap, I'll give you pig crap! It has to be a fair game. Okay, I really don't know what I set out to write. Doggie on skates is me, whizzing past, tumbling along, woofing about..*Sigh!*..its a dog's life after all. Will be back soon with nice poetry and paintings.
I decided to stop hibernating and returning to my blog :D (courtesy my active mind that leads me to the darkest and brightest of the Internet) I don't really have anything to opine on (for a change, yeah!). I've been observing things for the past few months and as always my mind's been moving on a fastrack...if things are the way they should be..the usual p's and q's...the works. So, I decided to draw up a tentative list of apprehensions! (No kidding!!). Here we go:
1. Rose-tinted view of the world pisses me off. People who mock age-old conventions and feign modernity amuse me. (Read: skin tight jeans, gay rights, bollywood taking over the world, free democracy.)
2. Extravagant Indian weddings are a major turn-off. The only things missing our jugglers, trapeze artistes (what with them buffoons getting the weirdo actors to 'perform' at weddings), McDonalds Burgers/Zinger Burgers (Take your pick).
3. Vegetarianism in the 21st century is a blatant myth. Accept it, considering animal bones are used in jams, goat milk is used in lipsticks :D da da da da da
4. People who 'hate' books. God save them...
5. Mobile lingo is a curse to humanity.
6. NDTV Goodtimes (so called good times)has to be the one of the weirdest lifestyle channels around! All I see is an 'aunty'-cum-s'xy mama demonstrating aerobics or salsa and going 1-2-3-4 endlessly..or a guy/man and a girl/woman cooking away to glory using the most obnoxious of ingredients (even Spencers doesnt store them!) all day long. Pity!
7. Orkut trying its best to copy facebook is the biggest blooper in the history of social networking.
8. People taking up quizzes on facebook. LAME.
9. India is the largest democracy of illiterates... HA HA HA..India shining, anyone? Mera Bharat Mahan?
10. Illiterates + bad drivers for sure! I've experienced a surge in my road rage mapping :-\ not good...not at all.
P.S: |No Offence| if you care!
A Lazy Afternoon
A Lazy Afternoon.feat. Georgie (RIP)Cardboard cutout and some experimentation with the 2 o' clock light filter.
A humble beginning. Well, I was feeling creative so decided to do some fan art. Long since I made wallpapers and stuff like that. And since I'm totally in love with Georgie dearest...Long Live Georgie \m/
Just what the title says, "Don't be an ass!!!" ..and I dedicate this cartoon to all the asses out there!*Vague**Yawn*
Purple DaisyI saw the soft petals soaking up the sun,Entwined with tresses, clipped in a bun.Once it nestled in the spring flower bed,Purple daisy, picked he, of the rose's 'stead.Swayed to the rhythm of the cool wind.Admiringly I watched it, I grinned.The lighter hue poked from under,I knew to its beauty I will surrender.Water from the sprinkler glistened,Cocked my ear, to the gurgle I listened.Perfection indeed, purple haze on an orange day.Changed my mind, won't pluck it, Nay.Kicked a paper ball, hummed all the way,Peering at the charcoal, black and gray.Wishing and hoping, somebody would gift me,If nothing else, then a Purple Daisy!
Fiendish (The Woman)
Bullish down the Sunset Boulevard,Shadow of the devil engulfing her heart,Devil woman, about you I know.Your demeanour like dirt on snow.Its the glint of a raven in your eye.Unveil your guise, now don't you lie.On passers-by your beady eyes pry,Evil--you wish others, someday you will cry. Fiendish down the Sunrise Boulevard Someone sometime will catch you off guard.Venom in your veins, for the world to see.Whip your knuckles, they won't let you flee. The Overseer shall be me, I am the Spectator,With a sadist grin and jaws of an alligator.Devil woman, this very birth you will rue,For blinded with tears forever I shall have you.
Second Life
Now this game/simulation/chat..whatever you may call it, had been in my
mind for quite around a year or so. But I wasn't able to explore it due to certain technical pc being a half defunct ol' plastic box that would hardly run anything! A few days back I was reminded of it while browsing the web n the fact that I was free..idle would be more like it :P ..I decided to give it a shot.
Second Life, the
virtual 3D environment simulator turned out to be a pleasant surprise! i was expecting a slow, server based chat software kinda thing. But no..its more than that. I think the best part is that you get to move about freely.. there's no X or Y axis. The SL universe is vast..from beaches (they have nude beaches to Grand Ballrooms of the medieval have anything and everything. I've even been to an amusement park of sorts..and a medieval castle too..ah..for that matter even a dance bar!
But what makes this universe a bit unnerving is the interactivity thing. There are some visually stunning places here but they're low on interactivity..not too many people visit 'em. And if you don't have people around to talk to, it can get super boring :( I think its a cool hangout for geeky nerds :P and internet junkies like me! ;)
Resonating OscillationIt struggles in the confines of questions.That my heart raises in certain situations.Unanswerable seem the statementsDevoid of any emotions or sentiments.A whiff of cold air it wants to breathe.Calm the rage with which it seethes.Of not being able to get that what it wants.The fallacies of those it counted upon.Drenched in a bottle of old whiskey.Parched in the sun, under the lifeless tree.Now and then it saunters into the sands of time.Finding naught but just dust and grime.Its time to retrench and break free.Retrace steps from the dull and the bleak.Return to that lost world of mine,That long back lost its rhythm and rhyme.